Summary report for mipsel at 2021-10-19 05:38:04.040935 UTC sisyphus SRPMs: 17364 sisyphus_mipsel SRPMs: 11339 ( 65.30% of 17364) recent enough: 10296 ( 90.80% of 11339) update pending: 629 ( 5.55% of 11339) Package statistics: RED: 6439 // totally missing ORANGE: 318 // EV is different (we need the latest version) YELLOW: 311 // EV is the same, release is smaller (we need the latest build) SLATE: 23 // EV is the same, release is larger (we need to push the fixes) GREEN: 10273 // same NEVR in both repositories EXTRA: 414 // present in new repo only (distro-specific or not yet deleted) NONE: 0 Task statistics: AWAITING: 3 BUILDING: 2 COMMITTING: 582 DONE: 35608 EPERM: 4176 FAILED: 17050 FAILING: 1 FAILURE: 1 NEW: 71 POSTPONED: 62 SWEPT: 1 TESTED: 1770 [PENDING]: 23719 [TOTAL]: 59327